Gluten Free Sandwich Cookie Ice Cream Pie

Gluten Free Sandwich Cookie Ice Cream Pie

I was thinking of an easy way to make a gluten free pie crust that would work well in the freezer, and settled on a cookie crust. When I grew up, I loved going to ice cream shops a few times in the summer for a nice cold blended ice cream treat. My favorite were always the sandwich cookie ice cream blends, and haven’t had any of it since being gluten free. That’s one of the reasons I was excited to come up with a gluten free variety of this. I decided to make a vanilla ice cream base to mix gluten free sandwich cookies into since I find it easier to mix cookies into fresh ice cream rather than store bought.

1 cup gluten free chocolate sandwich cookie crumbs
1/4 cup granulated sugar
3 tbsp melted butter
1 pint heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup milk
2 tsp gluten free vanilla
5 gluten free chocolate sandwich cookies

1. Blend the cookie crumbs, 1/4 cup sugar, and butter together. Press it into a pie tin and then into the freezer.
2. Whisk the cream, 1/2 sugar, milk, and vanilla together. Pour into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer instructions. At the end of the churning process, crush the sandwich cookies and blend into the ice cream.
3. Pour the ice cream into the pie tin and spread. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 4 hours.

About Author

Chris Baker

Chris Baker

I'm Christopher Baker, also known as "Mr. Crumbly Cookies." My journey into gluten-free baking began as a personal quest for wellness, not a business venture. My goal is to raise awareness about gluten-related issues and promote healthier choices. Being "Mr. Crumbly Cookies" reflects my dedication to providing delicious, gluten-free options and inspiring others to embrace a healthier lifestyle, one cookie at a time.

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